Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunlight damage extra credit

What happens if you look into the sun for to long? If you stare directly into the sun you can damage your eyes and become temporarily partially blind. The sun gives out UV rays which can almost cause a sunburn on your eye. If you look at the sun directly and don't use the right tools it can cause damage.If you look at the sun with unfiltered binoculars it can deliver over 500 times as much energy to the eye, making it very dangerous. Even small glances at the Sun through unfiltered binoculars can cause permanent blindness. So don't stare at the sun!

extra credit =]

What Will Happen to the sun? extra credit

The sun is in its midlife stage, meaning its making a lot of helium and hydrogen atoms. Right now the surface temperature of the sun is getting hotter and the sun is getting brighter. In its early stages it used to be a lot less bright. But the sun will die out and shed its layers and become a dim white dwarf planet. Making the earth have no heat.

The picture is of a star exploding like the sun will in many many years

extra credit =]

What's the Suns core made of? extra credit

The Sun's core has a very high temperature, more than 15 million degrees Kelvin. The core of the sun is very very dense. The core of the sun is so hot that it destroys all of the neutrons. then the electrons and protons supply the core. the very high temperature also makes the protons and electrons move very very fast which makes the core very dense. When the Protons and Electrons are moving so quick the slam into each other and create fusion suppling the sun with its energy

extra credit =]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

life on the sun and other planets

My planet, the sun, does not have liquid Water. It is way to hot to keep water. The sun does have a magnetic field.
The Sun consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. I don't think there is life on the sun. I think it is way to hot to support any life and there is no oxygen atmosphere so we could not breathe.
I think life could be on Europa. Europa's Jupiter's fourth largest moon. Some scientist believe that life could be on it because its very smooth, and doesn't have much craters. Also It has a huge frozen ocean, one of the biggest in the entire solar system. Its frozen and its -260 Fahrenheit. I might think that we can liv eon europa. Maybe if we had a special suits to make us not freeze to death, But it is very possible.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Space is measured in different ways. One way is AU meaning astronomical units. This is used when you want to measured anything between the sun and the earth. KM is used on earth, to measure big distance lets say form a town to a town. LY, is light years, they are huge. They are used to measure big spaces in the universe.
We are 1 AU from the sun. I Don't think we will ever be able to land on the sun. It is way to hot and it is far to get there. we have a better chance going on the moon than the sun.

Monday, November 23, 2009

how the sun was formed

The sun was formed a long time ago. The first thing that happened would be the universe is full with dust and gas. Gravity pulls in more gas as time goes on. Then the core gets very dense and hot and filled with pressure. It then created fusion. Fusion is when 2 atoms combine to make something. The formation of the sun uses accreation and gravity.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Is The sun a Planet? Is pluto?

Pluto isn’t a planet because it’s not the biggest thing in its neighborhood. There are other things in the kuiper belt. To be a planet it would have to have the biggest gravitational pull in the kuiper belt. Pluto is a sphere and it orbits around the sun it just doesn’t have a very big gravitational pull. My body, the sun, isn’t a planet. A planet needs to be a sphere, needs to have the biggest gravitational pull in its neighborhood and to orbit around….well….the sun! the sun is all of those things except the last one. the sun can’t orbit around itself! it has a diameter 1,392,000 kilometers and it’s a sphere but it can’t orbit itself. so the sun is not a planet.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

how big is the sun?

The little white spot next to the sun is the comparison of the earth and the sun. The sun is 1,392,000 kilometers! It's huge compared to the earth that is only 12,800 kilometers. about 100 million earths can fit in the sun! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Excpiernces at the planetarium

With my 8th grade class we went to the natural history museum planetarium. We went to three different exhibits and they were each very interesting

The first exhibit we visited was the meteor room. The room had real meteors that were found in Greenland! people back then though that the earth meteors were gifts form gods and they showed messages. In the room I learned about the differences of Meteors and meteorites. I learned all about comets and how meteors really looked like. It was so amazing to see real meteors!! :)
The next exhibit we went to the rose center. We first saw a short movie about he creation of the big bang. We then went down a pathway and saw the timeline of the universe starting with the big bang and ending with humans. In between we learned about the creation of the milkway <9>, to the creation of out solar system <4.5> A really cool part of that exhibit was seeing how much you weighed on different planets and stars!
The last room we went to was the movie. we saw a movie in a theater were you look up and you see it. You learned all about he sun, the big bang, the planets, everything in astronomy really! it was very interesting and was a beautiful show. I was very interested to learn about stars, knowing almost nothing about them. but what intersted me the most is seeing what the earth looked liked before we came here.
On the trip i learned a lot. I learned the before we came the earth was a big pot of heat and meteors and comets crashing to it. I learned how the earth is perfect. not to far from the sun and not to close.I learned about my body, the sun. I never new the sun had micro Waves passing through ti making it vibrate. I also learned the the sun is 4.5 billion years old. It is also not a very big Star. there are bigger and hotter but tit is so important, only because it is important to us. But even after that helpful day i still have some questions about my body. what will happen after the explosion of the sun? Why is the sun the center of our universe whe nthere ar eplenty other stars just as big?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

No one really discovered the sun. It has been known for since ancient time. But, nicholas copernicus, discovered that the earth was in the center of the universe, in 1543. He learned this by studying the planets, using math and physics. He then wrote a book about his theories before he died. This theory is still being used now and it has changed astronomy drastically since.